Free Makeover! Get yours now!
It’s Spring and we all want a clean new look, personally, at home and at our office. What if I told you that you can get an office makeover for FREE! We all LOVE FREE for the price, but here’s the disclaimer (there is always a disclaimer); if this was enough to get your attention, this blog is just what you need. What else can distract you from productivity, fulfilling goals and meeting deadlines? It might be right in front of you every day. You can have your free makeover and make a positive impact on your bottom line too, simply with making just a few of these changes.
Questions to ask yourself to remove distractions from your work space:
- Are you working in an area that has too much visual stimulation?
You are most likely taking in, sometimes sub-consciously, information that you don’t need for the task at hand. Most often you obtain your information via your sight, thus cluttering up your thoughts. We call that Mind Clutter! Storing unorganized information in your mind-filing cabinet leads to the inability to focus on what you are trying to accomplish.
- Are your your thoughts and actions unproductive and more time-consuming than they should be?
Keeping your desk surface clean and organized allows your mind to focus on the task at hand. This ultimately results in preventing fires. Your work will be done more accurately and in less time. This will allow other tasks to be completed. All other pending items or tasks, should be stored neatly and readily available as soon as your schedule allows. Set a reminder to review often so nothing falls between the cracks while you adjust to your new system.
- What areas in your life that can be simplified and organized to keep your mind clutter at bay?
The desktop on your computer, your home office, your briefcase, your purse, your car, etc. Consider working through small areas first like cleaning up your email and unsubscribing to useless information or organizing your work area, at the office or at home. You can find many resources. The first would be to utilize your technology to set reminders, keep track of lists, and to use apps. Research and tap into those areas for ideas and assistance. Finding the right system and suggestions for you, is key to accomplishing this goal.
- When is it time to call in the experts?
If you desire a level beyond your ability, or too much time is being wasted trying to create a simple process to handle your workflow, then it is time to save your time and energy and contact someone that has experience. Customizing a system that works for you specifically, will result in simple, clean, and accurate results.
Get your free make over today. Turn your free make over into a profit. You will become more efficient. As the leader in your circle, your Business is more efficient, your life is more efficient, even your family is more efficient. Successful results of efficiency, report an increase of time for workload, FREE time to enjoy your loved ones and hobbies, and cost savings.