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I was wrong, and many people missed out.

I recently attended an event held in my city. I went into it assuming it would just be the same information on how to spend less, live debt free, and save more, which of course are all very good habits to live by.  What I expected was a large crowd and those that who were attending, would be the ‘usual’ audience this well-known presenter would attract; also expecting to see just as many or more new comers ready to make life changes.

My experience told me presumably, the attendees would fit into one of the following categories:

  • On track with their financial status, enjoying the peace and contentment they feel. Being in this environment reaffirms their efforts to maintain this life style.
  • Motivated to stay on track, but need support or refresher tips to get closer to their goals.
  • Completely unaware of the life changing information they will obtain, but know they need to do something different to change their financial situation.
  • Invited to attend by someone else paying for their ticket.

Well, I was correct on some of my pre-ssumptions (as I like to call it) but extremely surprised by how wrong I was on one.

The information was clear, precise, simple to follow, and in my situation, refreshing to hear. That part I got right. The audience was diverse with ages ranging from 18 to 75+, and of all different financial stages of the process. One thing I hadn’t presumed, was what I saw when I arrived. I was completely taken back by the size of the crowd, whom, as I may have forgotten to mention, paid to attend. They came to learn how to change their financial futureagain! Not because they missed the message the first time. BUT BECAUSE THEY GOT IT!  Most of those in line, already had some exposure on this process. They paid to come back to hear it again. Like when you go again to see a band or movie or vacation spot. Why? Because IT. IS. THAT. GOOD. IT works and life is so much better because of it. I hope you were there!

So, I know you are on the edge of your seat to hear what I was wrong about. Well, I was wrong on the number of attendees. I expected a much larger crowd. I believe the smaller crowd make-up, room was around 40% filled, is partly stemming from a greater issue. I don’t believe these teachings are a big enough part of our culture, from preschool age well into life. It should and more importantly couldThe average American has debt but doesn’t want itThink- definition of insanity.  They live paycheck to paycheck, most often, because they just don’t know how to get out of that cycle.

The good news, even though the event is over, the information is still available! You can start TODAY, with as little as about the cost of eating out one meal. I would encourage you to look up the next Smart Money event and attend, or go online today.  Click now to start changing your financial destiny. Purchase it as a gift for someone on your list for the holidays. Invest in yourself and your family (Dave’s Quote). Let’s be financially independent and spiritually healthy and wealthy.

I hope that you will then contact me, to tell me how it changed your life, like the countlesspeople it has already. Just in my small world, I know many, hearing of more and more all the time.

At this time of year especially, we want to Thank You, for caring about your financial health and taking time to read our blogs. We are here to help. Call us today.