This is the second blog in the series to instruct and teach you, how to get your bookkeeping in shape and keep it in shape. Don’t wait, click now to get started.
Read MoreThis is the first of a blog series to train you, how to get your bookkeeping in shape and keep it in shape. Don’t wait, click now to get started.
Read MoreAre you ever in a conversation and people refer to “They said’ when giving advice? The person making these statements is very convinced that “They” are valid experts and so we also trust the advice.
Read MoreLeaving on a jet plane soon? Bags are packed and ready to go? Have a wonderful time, but before you go…
Read MoreWhere can you save money without spending money? How about reviewing your Financial Procedure Development manual?
Read MoreIf you paid any individual or contractor under those two headings, you will want to review the new State requirements for electronic filing.
Read MoreDirecting your focus, and determining the essential components to achieve your goal, are fundamental segments to successful outcomes.
Read MoreKeeping your Company a happy place to work and showing your employees appreciation can sometimes, be challenging. Your company’s acts of kindness shouldn’t turn you into scrooge simply from attempting to follow the rules.
Read MorePlanning and working with professionals are two essential steps you can take to ensure your level of debt, is healthy.
Read MoreBut where do you start? What is your biggest struggle when it comes to implementing new procedures or reassigning tasks?
Read MoreAnd you need to regroup to finish strong! In 6 months, you will regret not doing this. Have you ever put something on the back burner, knowing it needs to be handled, then time gets away and that task you had 6 months to get done, is now a burning inferno and past due?
Read MoreTen years ago, the sales tax was last increased to 6% starting July 1, 2008. Local option tax is in addition to the state rate but is not required in all counties nor cities of participating counties. See how and what taxes if any effect your business.
Read MoreDo you have a phone? How about a calculator? You can be a Bookkeeper!
Read MoreAre you providing Fake News in your Company financials? Here’s how to fact check it.
Read MoreHere we go again. Another conversation about spending a measly $4 a day. The title actually is a play on words. Let’s talk…
Read MoreWhen considering your Company expenses, how much is too much for the services you need or want? I received a phone call a few weeks ago. It was a very common topic, a conversation that is very familiar. It went something like this…
Read MoreDo you know why the “P’s & Q’s” statement originated? Would you believe, it’s inventory?
Read MoreHow many time have you said that? How many times have you followed through with it, past the 1st quarter? Why not?
Read MoreAs one of eight children, can you imagine the needs and even the wants? Can you imagine the stress Christmas added? Well, read more for how we felt about the real reason for the season.
Read MoreMost Americans have this but don’t want it. Do you….
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