Take a Vacation for FREE!

With proper planning, organizing and cross training efforts, your vacation can be free (stress free without losing money on your business).

How? We all know that Customer Service is vital in the competitive industry you are in. Thus, disappointed clients will go to your competitor. Minimize loses, both immediate and long term, by training your team to take the lead while you are enjoying your well-deserved vacation will.

Simple Steps to Ensure Happy Clients during absences:

  • Take time to prepare your team for company vacations.
    • Identify roles and equip each member with the ability to handle the customer.
  • In Team meetings, discuss regularly that the cross training is done and is currently being implemented.
    • This ensures that all customer requests land on the correct desk the first time, minimizing the customer feeling of being ‘passed’ around.
  • Be sure to go thru details with a specific Team member(s), regarding any current special circumstance that a customer is dealing with.
    • Customers become frustrated to find out they have gotten this far with their request, only to try to wrap up with and no one has been filled in on the details nor can help with the final steps.

The best type of packing for vacation is to pack your Team’s suit case full of Customer Service information and Client details, preparing all for scheduled or unscheduled absences. Anything else you pack is just a bonus for you to enjoy on your successful and relaxing vacation. Happy Customers return, order more, and send referrals. Your bottom line is not decreased due to your absence thus not costing your company business during vacation season. This, my friend, is a FREE vacation!!

Now get out your calendar and make some plans. Summer is calling you! For more assistance or guidance on getting organized for that overdue summer vacation, contact me. We can review all of your options together, making this a memorable, stress free vacation.

Tammy StifelComment