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Is your head in the clouds?

How about your business?

The discussion of cloud storage and managing your company in a ‘paper-less’ or ‘less-paper’ fashion is always changing, because the technology and options available are ever changing. While cloud storage is becoming a popular means for businesses to save data, some of the top concerns never change.

Here are some suggestion/direction when taking it to the ‘next level’ with cloud storage:

  • Ensure there is a process to store files without restrictions. 
    Make sure the procedure to get the file scanned in or saved to the cloud is easy and simple, such as scanners right at your fingertips, with simple steps to follow for storing documents. Giving the staff the tools to file in the cloud will be of much benefit, long-term.
  • Stress the human element of security.
    People on the inside most often pose the greatest threat. They have access to many sensitive documents and databases. They often are familiar with the system and how to get around the securities. Be sure to thoroughly screen all applicants with a background check and credit checks as well as speaking to former employers. Your company handbooks should state clearly the significant fines that would be enforced should an employee disclose private information. This is especially important when an employee is dismissed from their position.
  • Verify ‘where’ your company’s data in the cloud resides.
    In bigger company’s your cloud provider has SLAs (service level agreements), which would indicate the details of ownership and other issues. Caution: it is your data. In the case of a breach, you are responsible to notify all parties affected.
  • Be aware.
    Handling the change of going to the cloud, expectations can be as important as the change itself. Keep your mind and communication open with all staff involved. Include your Internet provide to ensure your service can handle the new load of everyone uploading and downloading from the cloud. Redefine the process as the implementation develops. Find good stopping points in the steps, to use, review and revise. Don’t just change every time a small blip comes on the radar.

Be positive and realistic about moving to the cloud. The goal is long term efficiency, effectiveness, and cost savings thru storage and labor. If you need assistance in moving your company to the cloud, contact us. We will be happy to help. Happy Storing!